Wednesday, December 26, 2007

I like Thunderbird

Dear Mom,

Had to clean 2 houses today and I'm not really overly tired. Very interesting... I've been considering taking on more jobs, not increasing the number of days I work, just doubling up. I work on Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday, and Sunday during fishing season (Cottonwood Cove). Have to leave the other days of the week free so Don can work, too. I had been considering doing 2 houses on each day but was holding off because it's pretty tough. I've had to do it a very few times and was extremely tired, but that was back when I was chronically sleep-deprived. Now, with adequate rest, I think I can do it so I'll give it a shot.

I'm playing with my PIM program, Kontact in Linux and it's whiz-bang. In fact one of these days I'm going to be so organized I'll be almost like my friend Charlie who invented the term organized. Nah, never happen, but I can dream, can't I? For now I have to apply myself and learn how to use the silly thing. The cool thing about it is you only have to enter the info once for it to be available to all the other components. In other words, enter all the info you want, even birthdates, events, etc. You can categorize (like family, friends, clients, business) and then apply filters when you search, to narrow the field. It's pretty darn cool. As I said, someday...

Don was setting up your gmail accounts today while I was at work, and we finished it up tonight before he left for work, so you two are ready to go. We researched email clients and Thunderbird was highly rated, but we had no idea how great it was until we went to set up the accounts. All we did was enter your gmail addresses and passwords and the deed was done! No fuss, no bother, presto! We never set up an email account so easily. Wow! The cool thing was you both can have Thunderbird, his in Windows and yours in Linux. I think you'll like it.

I love you,


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