Thursday, January 3, 2008

Garlic Tea

Dear Mom,

Wouldn't you know it? A few days ago I was contemplating my great good luck in not catching the cold that's been sweeping through these parts. Well, guess what? I did something so stupid it almost defies description.

I have this personal rule; never, ever touch my face when I'm outside the house until I come home and wash my hands, preferably twice. The day before yesterday I stopped at the grocery store to do the weekly shopping. Shopped, checked out, loaded up and headed home. My nose itched and I rubbed it, really well, and immediately thought, "What have you done? How many things have you just touched that how many other people touched? Wonder where their hands have been?" *sigh* I should have known something was up because yesterday morning we were making breakfast and I didn't want any sausage with it. Not wanting any meat is a "marker" symptom for me. Sure enough, last night, about 24 hours later, I was sneezing, eyes swollen and watering, nose running rivers and I had a very low fever. At this particular time, I cannot afford to be sick for weeks, just the prospect makes me cringe.

Time for the big gun; Garlic Tea. I read about it a long time ago and have used it on occasion, and not used it when it would have done some good. It's a time-tested remedy and I believe in it. Here's the procedure;

Crush and mince two cloves of fresh garlic or put them through a garlic press and place in the bottom of a large mug. Pour in boiling water, broth, or anything else (but it must be boiling) to taste, cover with a saucer to keep the volatile oils from escaping. Let steep 10 minutes and drink hot or very warm. That's a good first dose. Be aware this strong dose will make you feel a little odd and woozy but it's rather pleasant considering how you felt before. I was hungry too so I adapted it by making a serving of Ramen soup and pouring the cooked noodles and boiling broth over the garlic cloves in a bowl. It's better to have some food in your stomach anyway, sometimes the garlic can be irritating at high doses.

I took a shower, went to bed and slept 9 hours. So far I feel a little tired but for the moment don't have an active cold. For additional doses I'm drinking at least 2 cups today, preferably 3, with just one clove per cup. Fortunately I don't have to work today because Don says I really stink, he kisses me quickly and runs away. I never agreed with kissing much when you have a cold anyway but he makes a valid point when he says by the time you know you have a cold, you've already passed it on to whomever you're in the habit of kissing. Be aware, this only works at the very start of a cold, it will not knock it out if you're already well into it. One thing it will do is help to prevent bronchitis and sinus infection and reduce the time spent getting over the cold or flu.

Having a calm, restful day, taking it easy, "wandering around behind the little animals".

And no, I don't smoke. Anything.

I'm working tomorrow, hope I don't stink too badly. I just kissed the dog on the top of her head. She turned away from me.

I love you,


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